Ok I’m trying to be patient here. Do you have a job in which you deal with a massive amount of records? I do and then have to make a determination and then close my file. Oftentimes I will receive additional records and I document it but it doesn’t change my findings nor do I reopen the file. If I receieve something…
Look this is just another stupid he said/she said she said she said she said she said she said she said.
I thought we were already in hell but apparently there is hell within hell.
So let me get this straight: The Donald would see me across the room, pop a couple of tic tacs in his mouth (orange flavor?), start kissing me like a magnet and grab my pussy bits... presumably after taking me shopping for furniture. He’s got no game.
You are welcome to disagree with me and to critique my argument, but you’ll need to do so in a way that’s respectful of me and of the other commenters.
I agree 100%. I think they hardcore calling out was good because he had to be confronted with his crappy behavior which I very much believe is a good thing and because a whole lot more people were informed as to what a crappy guy he is and so therefore could do what they need to do to protect themselves. I know I sure…
That and “stop resisting”. Wasn’t there video a few months ago of cops swarming over a dead guy “stop resisting, stop resisting!” while he just lay there and violently decomposed at them?
I get it. When they say “drop the gun”, that was the cue for someone to get the drop piece ready.
In addition to turning off the bodycam and then claiming that it didn’t work or that they forgot to turn it on, police appear to be trained to shout “Drop the gun!” repeatedly, regardless of whether the suspect has a gun.
There has got to be some way we can do better with people who are a risk to women but haven’t done enough to go to jail yet. Like those ankle monitors people wear on probation.
I believe it’s Laura Richards who says “stalking is murder in slow motion.” We have to start treating stalking, dv, and sexual violence as huge red flags for murderers :(
I thought about this too as soon as the news came out. It’s all too convenient, much like many things in Hollywood that get swept under the proverbial rug.
I’d believe it - even making a lot of money you can overspend and end up only owning art or cars and not much liquid cash
They have always struck me as being completely financially reckless... Even when they were top earning actors (which they haven’t been in years) their spending seemed out of control - with the expensive art, the castle and all the toys etc...
I like where your head’s at. Put out a deflection to the real issue, considering this is a company town and the “execs” or talent are covering for each other