The Triumph! The Majesty!
The Triumph! The Majesty!
Amy Poehler’s biography goes into some hilarious detail about her snooping addiction whenever she visits somebody’s house. I will now personally attribute the nastiest recollections on here, to what couldn’t make it past her editors. Thanks Amy!
Dinotrux? I am too afraid to ask.
Lisa Catera
Oh, the Dak Prescott Hall of Fame Tour will take most of the pressure off of him.
Seimian has one of these.
She REALLY doesn’t want to talk about this.
Conversation in the near future: “Hey, remember that dude that played football...” #Rauf’sprofessionalsuicidehotline
Then there is the classic goof from “Catch Me If You Can” where Leo asks about runway 44. Oops!
Free days at Museums or Zoos. Unless you wish to share your experience with a BAZILLION of your closest friends, most of which would never visit on any other day and therefore do not truly care about the place they are occupying, RUN! Do not walk away.
A running, working ‘67 Corvette for $1200. I had more than enough money at 16. Oh well.
If the awards and settlements could be taken out of the asshole’s individual pensions and/or garnishment of their wages, instead of out of OUR taxes, I think we might just see a drastic reduction in these incidents. Until then...rinse, repeat.
After a strenuous workout with my Shake Weight, nothing cools me down as well as my Snap Towel.
I love my Brentwood immersion blender. Got it cheap, seems stout enough for my shakes and orange julius’. I need to try a boozy julius with Frangelico or mandarin vodka and will HAVE to make the Hollandaise with it next time. Thanks!
Call me a hopeless romantic, but I much prefer having Nicole Kidman pee on me.