This article is as short as it is stupid. You get paid for this ?
This article is as short as it is stupid. You get paid for this ?
That her 50's housewife in Daytona Beach outfit.
Fuck chick fil a and fuck the dumb inbred ignorant rednecks who support them.
GGawd our president is a complete imbecile.
The whole family and every Enterprise they are involved in is corrupt or morally bankrupt.
Agreed, it is boring and I think in a subtle attempt to make it more interesting they mildly glorify his murders and him generally. He was not especially gifted intellectually or physically in my opinion and the reaction of the audience is only I think because whoever made this movie slyly wanted to give it just a touc…
F*ck the NBA and f*ck Adam Silver.
I’m a 6'4 Arian and I agree with those kids. White people suck. I’m embarrassed to be a white man today with those inbred redneck scumbags running around. Filthy white supremacist scum make all white people look bad.
Well since white supremacists are generally cowards it’s easier to just lable all ignorant conservatives as white supremacists since conservatives generally have hate in their hearts.
Is anyone even surprised this happened in Alabama? It’s an inbred redneck mecca
I love watching American crush these fools. If they all overdose on pills and alcohol from our constant harassment then the problem will solve itself. Let’s terrorize these fascist pigs to suicide.
Well expressed article although Adolph Trump can he summed up as a moronic lowlife scumbag piece of dog shit and you could have saved some words. But hey yours sounds more eloquent for sure. Addressing the real fascists... Lynch every white supremacist and fascist pig in your town square and pat yourself on the back…
Fascists and white supremacists are attempting to equivocate their hate with equal rights. They are trying to normalize their filthy ideology. Listen to me people. This is not a time for idle talk. This is a time for action. Do not stand by as your country is slowly corroded by the acid of fascism and white supremacy.…
Kill all redneck fascist white supremacist scum. Hunt them like animals and gut them like pigs.
Trump supporters are have been pretty well established as the most ignorant ugly and hateful Americans.
Kill all fascists/supremacists and let God sort ‘em out. Send that filthy scumbag to gas chamber.
I like green.
These inbred redneck fascist scum will all be erradicated like the vermin you are. You are the swamp creatures who have left their kissing cousins to try and infect the rest of this country with your ignorance and inferior genetics. We are the vast majority son and you are a violent vocal minority that us decent…
Ya ‘last half century’ is a massive understatement.
‘like cave people’ too funny. And anyone who refuses to acknowledge Trump is destroying America has their head up their bum.