
This is actually a serious issue. The Dems have gone pretty damn far left in an attempt to pulling Bernie supporters (which has largely worked, between 73 and 90% support Hillary now depending on what polls you look at). But what a lot of the diehard ultra left seem to not realize is the message the Dems would have

You are a troll who repeats itself (and I mean that in every possible interpretation of the phrase that could be inferred).

I love how you always pretend sexism isn’t real. It’s so charming in a gross, extraordinarily stupid way.

Let me preempt my comment by saying I love Samantha Bee’s show, and I also find the folks who supported Sanders but are now voting Trump exasperatingly stupid as well, and I am by no means a bernie-bro (although I did vote for him in the primaries).

Dude, chill.

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

She hasn’t won yet, so find your local Democratic party and get to work!

My grandmother was 89 when she passed away a month ago and in hospice at the end when she was starting to be pretty unaware and we knew it would be over soon we just went ahead and told her Hillary had been elected and my grandmother, the lifelong democrat who went back to college in her 40s, was so happy. So we need

I know I’m like 10 minutes away from starting my monthly grind but I am emotionally unstable in the best way. I am sobbing again because of this woman WHO WATCHED HER MOTHER VOTE IN THE FIRST ELECTION THAT INCLUDED WOMEN and also because my own three daughters are going to witness a woman elected president of these

I'm not're crying.

I won't lie, I teared up when she cast her votes.

“Republicans are pissed at the lack of visible American flags”

Bernie Sanders supporters are feeling highly emotional.

mmmmk, let’s have a little chat about sources here. see that graph you shared? it’s not accurate, and it’s not sourced. you say it’s from wikipedia, but if you go to that link, the graph is nowhere to be found, and at the top of the wiki page, there’s warnings saying:

The term “people of color” is the widely accepted modern term for “non-white people.” It is used extensively in social justice contexts, and is recommended by the style guide for the Stanford Graduate School of Business, among other institutions, for use instead of words like “minority.”

I’m laughing at you right now cause you’re hilariously ridiculous. A word salad of internet insults.

wow, your reading comprehension is really poor even for a troll. sad clown.

People of Color is a widely accepted phrase that is inclusive of people who aren’t pasty white.

also, what’s a “punchline bitch”?