LL Bean and Lands End still exist, folks.
LL Bean and Lands End still exist, folks.
Also, like, okay you built your whole career on this and made millions. NOW you’re gonna take this stance? It’s awfully convenient now that she’s “older” and there are other younger models. Or maybe I’m just way too cynical...
Insider industry info: Sean is an extremely kindhearted human being, the type to strike up earnest and mundane conversation with strangers and disregard his celebrity. Notorious for treating female staff (and all human beings alike), well.
domestic violence towards men is normally considered humorous
Most of these situations are going to be bitter guys unhappy they can’t willfully violate social norms. Whatever, they can deal with it.
I definitely believe there’s an element of keeping his powder dry (i.e., not coming out) until just such an occasion. That he’s gay has been somewhere between an open secret and common knowledge for at least a decade, and his long-time friendship with Bryan Singer has always made exactly this type of scenario seem…
Ya. Ask 14 year old me what place he felt the least safe and it would’ve most definitely have been the school locker room.
Yeah, I’m a bit worried about how people seem to be conflating the two. I formerly worked in an industry where virtually everyone was cheating or had cheated on their spouse at some point. Most people had at least two divorces under their belts. A few of the guys would sleep with literally anyone who was willing.
Taxation is theft, the only difference is whether you agree with the reason behind it or not. You’re fine with paying taxes for roads, schools, perhaps even healthcare because those are all things we all use and need. What about all the things that taxes get spent on that you’re not fine with? Like say, drone bombing…
Problem - government funding actually does come from taxes.
So it is taxpayer’s money.
Idk if it’s a gender thing as much as it’s a narcissism thing.
I think alcohol explains a lot of this. It does not excuse it even a little, it just explains why someone who maybe is (or T least was) casually racist would be blatantly racist, and not remember it.
I’m not an expert by any means (I’m a cub scout co-den leader, and a new one at that, but have no actual experience with girl scouts beyond buying cookies - so anything I say about girl scouts is pure hearsay), but it’s really more of a unit by unit thing...yes, girl scouts can do the same thing boy scouts do, but…
Boys do need some kind of place to have positive masculinity modeled for them. Otherwise we get the scourge of toxic masculinity we’re dealing with today. I don’t like girls being left out either, but boys need support networks too.
I am guessing the next step is what funds did Weinstein paid for his 8 plus legal settlements.. Was it Disney Money? Was it Investors Money via Goldman Sachs? was it money that should be going to others, like actors and directors that didn’t get any, even though they had a legal contract for a percentage of profits?
I have an academic background and left for industry. The adjunct problem is, to me, a problem of supply. We graduate too many phds, and too many are unwilling or unable to get a job outside of the academic market. It is hard to overstate how strongly students are encouraged to pursue a university job, particularly…
Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?
“In memory of the poor white trash that was cheerfully fed into a meat grinder by a small company of superrich assholes that would have had them tarred and feathered had they set foot on plantation property or talked to a planter’s daughter. Never forget how they happily died by the millions to preserve their bigotry,…
Wondered how far down I would have to go before I found some idiot trying to justify the mothers actions.
Fuck this ‘mother’ for doing this and fuck the ‘father’ for the same. They are both fully complicit in this and you can’t try to justify her actions any more than you could justify his.
I don’t know a single male person that is upset by Whittaker being the next Doctor, not one. But I also live in Los Angeles, so maybe that’s the difference? Personally I wanted Maggie from GoT.