
There seems to be a lot of emphasis on the word snowflake. Lol! It doesn’t take much to trigger the mellinial crowd. Find a cure for the liberal pathogen. In the mean time, here, have a red pill. ha ha ha ha!!!

It was always to highlight to all the voters who were unaware of who they were getting in hillary clinton. It was never about either party! Those were Jullian assanges words. Of course I’m paraphrasing but you get the point, unless you’re being willfully ignorant. Or you are intellectually lazy or both which I suspect

And you should be sued for poor grammar, and punctuation.

Essentially amend the first amendment and start making these so called journalists culpable for their lies.

Oh go back home and go to your room and go play with your crayons.



Wozniack was a class mate of mine. I used to beat up on him.

Version too as in you’re “too” much!

And for the free movement of cheap and captive labor and for justice for all Buwahahahahahahahaha!!!

Dyuh want I should thump him buoss?

Oh that! Lovey! Could you be a deah and hail Reeves and have him bring me my smoking jacket and more of the bubbly.

No and these tech giants don’t care about you either douche bag. What a clueless moron!!!

Deeyuh yeah buoss dats et dyuh can I have a bunny wabbit


No. The establishment that you so ferverently support, will go down quietly on trump for donations, coming up for air ever occasionally.