Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!
Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!
Can anyone explain to me why dumb people think people who aren’t in the country legally can get on welfare? It’s already too hard for people who have never even left the country to get government assistance.
I’m starting to think that maybe we shouldn’t have elected this fella President, you guys.
Like the Republicans respected the office of the President by blocking every single thing Obama tried to do from day one while feeding the worst suspicions held up by the very man who replaces him that he’s not American, secretly Muslim and wants to destroy the nation.
2016 is so fucking fired. It’s taking the best away from us and putting the worst in power.
Hmm, I seem to remember that on the night before Obama was inaugurated he was at a dinner honoring John McCain and on that same night Republicans were meeting to put party before country and try to obstruct everything Obama was trying to do. Gosh, that doesn’t sound like a good loser to me.
Seriously I want to slap those rural white voters and yell at them that no, just because Trump is president doesn’t mean an unskilled high school dropout will magically get a $25 per hour factory job in the middle of cow pastures and soybean fields. Yes your benefits and food stamps will get cut some more like what…
I apologize for all the comments I’ve made on this site and its sister sites in the past 24 hours. I had no idea Stan Van Gundy was going to just fucking nail it far better than anyone else has.
Blame nearly every single person with any power in the Democratic Party [...].
I’ll take the tantrums over the cross burning.
They bear some blame, but maybe people should have listened when the polls showed Bernie running better against Trump than Clinton did.
Let me get this straight. The disgusting aspect of the leaked tape isn’t its contents, but the fact that it was leaked in the first place?
At this point you’d have to have footage of him strangling a baby for it to matter.
Breaking news: white man with lots of privilege cannot handle losing contest. Just wants things handed to him.
Diana Moskovitz is a treasure. Her reporting on the legal issues tranversing professional sports and the system are excellent.
“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”
Where is the debate coming from tonight?
Brady is doing to the Browns what Trump wanted to do to Nancy O’Dell
I'm sure Mr. Broussard has eaten shrimp before or worn mixed fabrics. That is an act against God as well, therefore he is not a Christian.