
As a former Army Officer I can guarantee you that I did have lot’s of options other than the military. You can pretend to know what the motivations are of those that join but you know nothing about the people who serve. We are not ignorant pawns and we are not Rambo wannabe’s. From humanitarian missions in Haiti to

Newspeak and political correctness are essentially the same thing. This shit has been going on long before this douche was in office

Looks like there was no gun. Except for the cops.

Has anyone thought about how close Delos and Delores are with respect to their spelling? I’m not sure if this has been discussed previously. Is she the company’s inside guy...or girl...or robot?

How exactly are the drug companies pushing patients to ask for opioids? There are no direct to consumer advertisements for these medications.

These are controlled substances and as such, can’t be advertised directly to consumers via TV or another medium.