
Twenty-five year military veteran here who, in the past, has held senior positions in recruiting. I agree with Hamilton’s assessment—I wouldn’t recommend entering the business right now either. But your supposition that the “majority of the people joining are doing so because they lack the skills/discipline to hold

But he acknowledges that most people do not have options. So he’s writing to a very limited audience of people who join because they want to. It honestly just comes off as more self-serving than anything.

Or maybe he’s speaking to the people who have options. People like my cousin’s oldest boy, who’s taking a full-ride scholarship at the Air Force Academy to start this fall, living expenses included. He got scholarship offers from other schools, because he’s an excellent football player and a damn good student, but

You got it. People of conscience and patriotism should stay clear, and the only people who should be in the military now are those who are 1000% on board with Trumpistan, so when the military is called forth to preserve the autocrat’s power, they’ll be fully staffed with those who have no issues with firing on

Meanwhile the democrats have boycotted the confirmation votes for Treasury secretary and Health and Human Services secretary, which means the confirmation can’t happen. At least one democrat is needed for the vote to take place.

History will remember these invertebrate lickspittles.

As a West Wing and Parks fan, I have loved Rob Lowe but I had to unfollow him on Twitter during the elections. I get the impression he’s a Trump supporter* (which, he’s entitled to be cos for the moment at least the US is still a democracy) but I don’t have to like or respect that. He made some twerpy comments about

I have a friend who is a personal assistant for a major Hollywood actor. She has worked for this actor for 25 years, and they couldn’t pay her enough. The amount of work she does—particularly scheduling work, which always happens at the last minute—is insane. She spends weeks away from home traveling with her client

Everyone has an obligation to disobey unlawful orders and we shouldnt forget it. Im glad Sally Yates did the right thing; I have a feeling that is going to be a rare occurrence over the next four years.

Sessions doesn’t have an ounce of Yates’s integrity. Not a goddamn chance in hell he would have done what she did yesterday.

I pretty much assume that anyone who has been famous since their teens and still is much later in life is going to be either A) insufferable because they’re used to being catered to and pampered or B) a 100% total weirdo. I’m not sure how you spend 40 years of your life being kowtowed to and not end up one of those

There are several blooper reels of Parks & Rec on YouTube and in a few scenes Rob Lowe seems to be fumbling his lines on purpose, trying to be funny, or he makes seriously lame jokes after someone else makes a mistake. It screams I’M FUNNY, AREN’T I?? PLEASE LIKE ME, I’M A FUN PERSON!!1! I’M ONE OF YOU GUYSSS! The

Were I a journalist looking for a scoop on Melania’s fascinating career beginnings, I would start in Tokyo. It seems that she was one of Gloria Askew’s girls for a while in about ‘89-90ish, but by then, allegedly, Gloria was no longer the toast of the town at the height of Tokyo Eight mania, but, rumor at the time had

When they go low, dredge the earth beneath them.

The problem is there are too many hypocrisies to ignore at this point.

fucking WORD

THIS. THIS. THIS. When they go low, dredge the earth beneath them. The high road got us exactly here. I’m putting razor blades in my braids. Let’s dance motherfuckers.

Bu, but she’s soooo classy! Michelle could never pull off a Vanity Fair cover like this (because she’d of been raked over the coals by the GOP for being out of touch with “average Americans” like when President Obama talked about Arugula).