Out Of Work GM

my understanding is that the National Office of the fraternity revoked their charter and that Syracuse University, has in fact, not done a f*cking thing?!?

Damn that headline is some clickbait though! (I don’t do tho’s; just can’t do it)

He’s the sports world’s Jay-Z of double entendres...meaning he sucks at them.

As you guys pointed out, it’s this move right here. Obviously Bledsoe is a deny till you die kinda guy but damn he got toasted.

Joe Tessitore: Well Brett, it’s great to be here with you in the booth for the first Monday Night Football game of the 2018 season. And you said that, right off the bat, you want to address the past accusations of inappropriate behavior that have been thrown your way.

David (Lee? tell me your middle name is Lee. I need it to be Lee) Roth,

The Atlanta guess is valid, especially considering that Woj has been reporting the hell out of Budenholzer possibly being on the move but,

wtf was that donkey defender’s problem?!?

Beat us all to the “you must be confusing Ben with Bill” punchline.

Willem Dafoe and Denis Leary’s love child.

Germans were first, but people didn’t really drive those here in big numbers.

Now playing

Beat us to the punch we all wanted to throw. Let us shower you with stars.

I’m a GM Guy so I’m going to venture to guess that it’s a P.O.S. that isn’t worth the collective brainpower we’re all summoning on this?!?

nice. you beat me to it.

I don’t see any particular big losses here but two things:

And maybe the bent wheel?!?

Now playing

Soooooooo, by your rationale you think McDonald’s should be able to charge a hundred and fifty bucks for a burger?!?