The families of the soldiers who died as a result of this treason should be beyond angry. The complete lack of justice is appalling.
The families of the soldiers who died as a result of this treason should be beyond angry. The complete lack of justice is appalling.
Wow more sour grapes from Left Wing Loons! This is why you people lost the election. America is sick of your hypocrasy. We in the heartland took America back! You lost! MAGA is coming!
I am sorry Hillary lost. But taking your frustration out on people who want to destroy the most evil organization to exist since NAZI Germany is pure insanity. You guys are just spoiled brats!
You guys lost. We control Congress, the Presidency, and soon the Supreme Court. It’s Trumps America!
They were right we are using something else, its called nuclear power. Big chucks of Europe use it. But wait, the liberal echo winies here in the states have an irrational fear of it and have not let us build new plants in decades. But don’t worry Trump will be building more of these plants from coast to coast. It’s…
We are not a democracy, we are a Republic. That’s why we vote for electors. If you want a popular vote move to Canada or perhaps Mexico. Then again, you racist liberials never want to move to Mexico. I wonder why? Its even more socialist then Canada.
NO GAR stands for Grand Army of the Republic, as in the Union Army. You know the same Army that whipped the Democrat lead Southern Army that was fighting for Slavery.
You dogs on the Left just want your rainbow colored bone? This is just too funny! LOL Spoilers: The culture war is shifting... With the Republican take over you have over played your hand. MAGA!
Your welcome! This movie is nothing but SJW propaganda! Its white man hating garbage that is destroying my childhood, while at the same time committing stolen valor. Well done JJ!
Kneel before Trump!!! You lost you Left Wing crazies! It’s Trumps America now!
Its Trumps America now! You guys decided to run a felon and lost. Deal with it! As Obama said, elections have consequences. When Trump takes over in about 35 days the employees that refused to give him this info that he demanded will be out of a job. The next person will give him what he wants and the global warming…
Global Warming is not so bad! Some people are actually looking forward to it! :D
It’s Trump America now. We now control the Presidency, Congress, and SCOTUS. You lost! On the bright side Global Warming is not so bad. In fact, some people are actually looking forward to it. :D