
I love that you feel powerful thru memes and gifs.

You say that like there is something “less than” about “rural backwaters.”

Oroville Dam was about to burst. People had to be evacuated. Why? Bc California doesnt have the money to retrofit the dam. So much for all that grape, tech and movie money.

You’re so dumb. The reason people are bringing children to the border is to get catch and released into the US. W signed the 2008 law that created this situation. Obama looked the other way. People figured out that if they bring kids, they get easy access to the US. Ryan and the RINOs keep proposing amnesty to appease

You should kill yourself WITHOUT HESITATION

The size of the economy and the balance sheet are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Doxxing is being done by Nazis all right.

Whoever posted it is criminally liable.

Pretty sure posting personal information on the internet can be punishable criminally.

What a grandstand. NY has no standing to sue. Please.

Hey stupid, this whole mess exists bc you cannot put kids in detention centers with the parents. Derp.

This administration has demonstrated the willingness to tackle the tough problems even though it hurt their popularity.

You people are sick. Child molestation and incest are not joking matters. Fuck you. Disgusting people. I cannot wait to kill people like you in the civil war.

Which has nothing to do w anything

Prove that they disnt

Not before disbanding the corrupt FBI

No private party can obtain a court order to enter and inspect another private party’s private property. Go read the fourth amendment.

It being difficult to do something is not an excuse to cheat the system. Do you want your doctor to be granted an MD without going thru 11 years of school?

Wow. You’re making Orwell look prescient as fuck.

Have you ever tried to get something done and been given the run around?