
I always know I have won when you call me names because ad hominem attacks are the last resort of the beaten


Colorado is red to all four corners and all four borders. I live there and there are tons of veterans in Colorado. There is an Army Base, An Air Force Academy and NORAD. The counties all vote red except ADAMS and some of the resorts where many illegals work. These motherfuckers are voting and Colorado has figured it

Did you know Hillary and Obama might be charged with Treason?

Or maybe what people do on their private property is their own business and if you want to see it ya gotta set up a meeting.

You’re so dumb its ridic.


In America you can be arrested for trespassing. You cannot just go on people’s property willy nilly. We also have freedom of speech here and we intens to reserve that right.

That would be an invasion and trespassing.

The purpose of the rught to bear arms is to prevent tyranny. People like you want to censor or compel our speech. If you could, you would remove the right to free speech entirely. The second amendment defends the first. With your teenage school shooting survivors, on tournto try to remove the 2A, you libtards seem to

Hate to break it to ya but minorities can own guns and liberate themselves.

Fuck you. I support Trump and todos mis amigos son Latinos. That means all my friends are Latinos.

The facility is a private facility. Its not govt owned. You need permission to enter a business even if you are a senator.

Since when do people obtain a court order to enter private property to inspect it?

No. Unchecked migration of foreigners who don’t assimilate is the trigger.

Cite proof that Russia has anything to do with any of this. That was a hosx. I thought everyone knew that by now.

YOU might have insisted on a liberal democracy but I insist upon a conservative Republic.

Oh yeah and today Merkel was supposed to be ousted for importing terrorists to Deutschland.

Nah. I just posted on Breitbart that this was an excellent place to have some fun.

Its the same story from multiple outlets