I’m an ultra genius.
I’m an ultra genius.
Settle down. Its a typo.
Whoever Stuart is.
The ideals this country was founded upon wont exist if we have no borders. Its the same as if you left your door unlocked and let the neighborhood homeless help themselves to your food.
Take away the fraudulent votes and Hilbag couldnt even win the popular vote. Pathetic.
Yeah. Dehumanizing conservatives by calling us names like nazi or playing the race card is about as complex an argument as anyone can expect from simpletons like you.
I have a BS in English from Cal.Tell me more about my writing!
We’re not going anywhere and we have guns. If civil war break out, its traitors to the US like you who will be walking off of the pier.
The popular vote was padded for Hilbag by an unknown number of illegal votes. She lost anyway.
No. Central Americans have already proven they cannot do my job. I’m safe.
We already started building the wall. Just accept it. Ozero already told you that elections have consequences.
Thats what happens when Congress starts bandying about Amnesty.
Oh stop with the racism already. The conservative base is comprised of every fucking race and skin tone out there. Your fucking stale ass stereotypes show how mentally simple you are.
harassment is a misdemeanor. Traceable also.
Yeah. Buy guns. Otherwise you people will lose the civil war.
NIELSEN: So I want to be clear on a couple of other things. The vast majority, vast vast majority of children who are in the care of HHS right now — 10,000 of the 12,000 — were sent here alone by their parents. That’s when they were separated. So somehow we’ve conflated everything. But there’s two separate issues. 10,0…
I dont know about you but I always take my kids when I commit a federal crime in a foreign country. Then I always get to take my kids to jail with me.
Yes we already know how the Left feels about is. Colorado cleaned up their voter rolls and with all the focus on illegals voting recently, I expect Colorado to show its redness again. The state is red to the borders and all four corners. It was the illegals in Denver (130k) and the resorts which turned Colorado blue…
Remember when Ozero said “When you vote, you are a citizen.”