
“some” and “most”. The past and the present.

She was told her actions were insensitive, she realized her mistake, and she immediately apologized. It’s revealing you assume her actions were motivated by malice when it’s much more likely to be ignorance.

All Republicans are racists and sexists, amirite?

Some Democrats criticize the intelligence agencies. Most cheer on their assassinations and coups.

You also support war and empire.

The Democrat’s newfound love of the intelligence agency is amazing to witness.

It seems to be more a case of ignorance rather than malice. You can believe her intent was to insult black people in order to hurt her business and face a public shaming if you like.

Hillary is a victim! A victim of racism and sexism and oppression! She was our one and only hope for a better world but now we have to deal with a literal Nazi President who will probably kill or deport everyone except white straight men. Sad times indeed.

Or in the words of Colin Powell, Bill is probably dicking bimbos.

Democrats always celebrate when a Republican dies. Bush was Reagan’s VP but he was also the director of the cia (which Democrats now love) so I am excited to see how they sort of the cognitive dissonance.

This is a woman who made a dumb mistake and once she realized her mistake she took appropriate action and apologized. But fear not, roots readers! There is still time to shame her for her transgression!

The crazier Democrats can’t wait to pop the champagne once he dies.