
They don’t care. They believe because PP does abortions at all, that tax money-even if it doesn’t go directly to the abortions-is paying for them by allowing PP to spend money they’d use for other stuff on the abortions.

All the conservatives should be ecstatic-aren’t they the people who insist that they shouldn’t have to deal with people with views they don’t agree with so it’s totes cool when “teh gays” do it too, right? Right? Hello? *conservative crickets*

Fuck Republicans. I work in health care, and I have joined the Satanic Temple in the last few years because of all this Freedom of Religion bullshit. I’m glad I did; I think I’m going to start asking people whether they voted for Trump before I decide whether I’m going to help keep them alive or not. After all,

Who says North Carolina can’t be at the cutting edge? It’s the cutting edge of fascistic oblivion, but it’s better than nothing.

See, I’m terrified they’re doing this because they know that cheeto Hitler will stack the federal government and the supreme court in their favor and they can send us back to the dark ages. I don’t think this ends well for us.

This. All of these control freak assholes are starting to push their agendas extra-hard now that the cheeto Hitler will soon enable them to ruin this country even further.

I really do understand all the people saying this guy was an asshole for stripping the car, but I get it. You get tired of corporations screwing you at every opportunity and only getting a slap on the wrist (if even that). I even understand the argument that the poor dealer who ends up with the car isn’t the one to

Or I was just asking out of curiosity, like I said. Feeling persecuted? I’m sorry, but that wasn’t MY intent.

Just out of curiosity, do you feel that way about meat and leather, too?


I really don’t know how to feel-on one hand, most social media has degenerated into childish name calling, hate, and propaganda and seems to be more of a detriment than a boon. On the other hand, silencing any mode of speech is scary to me. I know it’s not government censorship or anything, but it doesn’t sit

It is, but is anything Alabama does surprise you any more?