
This confirms a theory a have about white people and I’m not even going to say ‘some’ white people. They are so full of themselves that they can’t fathom being told that they can’t do something or that some spaces aren’t targeted to them. They can’t stand that there can actually be spaces that weren’t created just.

You Don’t Have to Be a Fucking Stooge

Hey, if they want a war, let’s give them one. At this point, it’s probably the only option left (we’ve been whining and protesting about the corruption of the Republicans for over thirty years now and they’ve only gotten worse and more powerful). I’m pretty sure the rest of the world (or Canada and Europe anyway)

Not even bothering to keep “convincing” Trumpers of any of this shit. I’m taking a “You have fun with that, lil guy” approach.

Multiple brain injuries, you say?

No, it probably went down like this:

Fallon is one of those celebrities that I just don’t “get” why he’s famous. He has the looks and the talent of a random man-on-the-street given a talk show host desk job. WTF? How exactly did this misfire happen?

Beast wars is best transformers

In related news, Kyle Shanahan decided against a short run to the White House and will instead, pass.

Even their booing of Goodell is tainted. Everyone else hates him because of bullshit like punishing weed worse than domestic violence, covering up CTE, or arbitrary bullshit like punishing players for celebrating or wearing the wrong shoes.

You’re just not giving him a chance.

I’m sick off all of you Autobutts and your constant villifying. Just accept that your Crooked Arcee is going to lose. Everyone knows she gave energon to the Quintessons. Look it up. She and Optimus created the Decepticons. That’s a fact. Dark Energon is a myth perpetrated by the humans. That’s what all the scientists

I have very little doubt that Arcee will be selected because...well, I think we all know why.

Personally, I don’t want Brady, Belichick, and Kraft to suffer because they love Trump.

And there’s no way Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination!

Cool, so cut defense

No shit. if you ever find yourself in East Tennessee, you will be amazed at the overwhelming majority of government employees through Oak Ridge, TVA, and the various University of Tennessee entities who don’t even realize where their pay checks are coming from. They claim to detest big bad gubmit, especially when a

In other words: The Los Angeles thing turned out precisely how everyone outside the NFL thought it would.