The Molten Dream of Justice

I, too, wanted this to be the end for Bronn, but I would have liked to see him square off against a particularly skillful Dothraki. His thing is sword-fighting, so I didn't want him to die all crispy sitting on some apparatus that we've never seen him use.

I could see rooting hard for Ramsey Bolton or Joffrey's death, but Jaime and Bronn are long-running, complex characters who aren't complete monsters. My hope is that they're taken prisoner, Bronn switches allegiances after a heart-to-heart with Tyrion, and Jaime witnesses a queen who commands her forces with something

Hey………….. thanks, man.

Man, we sure love framing everything as a pitched battle between two diametrically opposed groups, don't we? I don't see Google "fighting with itself." I see a few asshole engineers being completely shit upon by almost the entire company. It's not like Google is having some serious debate about this. It seems their

Wish You Were Here is a plodding bore. Maybe it's just because I've heard it 9 million times, but it does absolutely nothing for me at this point.

I think the point was, a lot of young people came to Neil through the grunge era, and now that that era's long dead, are today's young people even aware that he exists? That's how I read it, anways.

It gets real uncomfortable when you see him live and he tells the audience to sing along.

Being a young Randy Newman fan is frustrating because anytime I bring him up in conversation with a peer, the immediate reaction is that goddamn Family Guy bit.

Okay, I guess I can wait over a month for that Neil release. fine. FINE!

Bjork can say whatever she wants to say. She could say her album is a tiny frog hovering inside a sphere of glass (and she probably has), and I'd be like, "Fine, I'll listen to it."

People have been using propaganda for ages, because it works. What's most disgusting about Trump and his clan is that they don't even recognize what they do as propaganda. To them, it's just selling.

"But, Papa, who will I marry?"
"I'll find you a nice drink cart girl from one of the golf courses. What do you want - blonde hair, vacant eyes, the whole package? Done."

I've decided that my personal Beer of the Summer is Flying Dog Dead Rise. I can't fucks with these pineapple things, though I might give the Sculpin a shot in the hopes that it isn't too pineapple-y.

Whenever someone proclaims a love of sour beers, I just assume they're either lying to seem cool or their mouth is broken.

I have a fondness for Fat Tire because, for me, it was sort of a gateway from mass-produced pissy beer to the wide world of crafts. Gotta start somewhere. After drinking a wider variety of beers for a year or two, Fat Tire started to taste not-great.

My personal rule is: never waste time or money on a movie if the producers couldn't be bothered to improve on the working title.

You can argue that the DNC is due for superdelegate reform (and they have a commission working on it presently), but the whole point of superdelegates currently is that they're not bound by their state's primary voting results. Franken did exactly what the rule was initially designed for, to allow high-ranking party

Keep lickin' them boots, Billy Boy. Keep lickin' them boots.

This is pretty low on the list of Trump-related outrages for me. The WH was actually designed to be somewhat humble and not-crazy-extravagant in order to avoid giving the impression that it's some sort of royal palace where a monarch lives. The West Wing isn't fancy, and it's got a bit of a run-down vibe, like a

So… Fincher has probably killed at least a couple drifters in his life, right?