The Molten Dream of Justice

Yeah, that was a letdown. I've come to expect better things from Qyburn. For a second, I thought he might be working on reanimating the dragon skeletons or something crazy like that. Nope, just a surface-to-air crossbow that somehow no one in Westeros has thought of yet.

I was confused about WTF he was supposed to be wearing. Maybe it's finally supposed to be obvious that the Ironborn are the trashiest people in Westeros. I did love that Jaime perfectly articulated what's so despicable about them. I've always thought they were the lamest folk in the realm.

I was not forewarned about the Ed Sheeran cameo. Not just Ed, but that whole crew seemed way out of place in Westeros. Maybe that was the point? To show some soldiers who could just be innocent regular young dudes? But to me they just seemed way too "modern" for that world in their looks and mannerisms. Kinda took me

It was my favorite part of the ep. I don't think GoT has ever been that playful with editing. The rhythm was a nice touch.

I've seen bands in the Alan Sparhawk universe (Low, Retribution Gospel Choir, Black Eyed Snakes) more than any others, partly because they're great live shows and partly because I was a broke college student in Minnesota and they play a lot of free/cheap shows there.

There are plenty of other publications and organizations that are able to expose Trump's bullshit without all the shameless ratings-grubbing. It's not like we would be left in the dark if we turned off CNN and the other 24-hour news channels. Of course, Trump would brag about being the cause of their "failure," but he

I'm afraid she's very much right about 24-hour cable news pumping up Trump's popularity while ostensibly "holding him accountable." These outlets had already become over-sensationalized trash heaps long before Trump's campaign. People like to use CNN's and MSNBC's recent ratings climb as a barometer of liberal

I don't get Haim. Are they like the female Hanson? '90s nostalgia has its limits, you know.

Both Jay Z and Beyonce (more so Jay Z) carry themselves with an air of untouchableness that does not match the actual quality of their artistic output, and it's fucking insufferable.

I only came here because AVC lets me use swears.

Personally, I don't see the free press recovering from the damage he and his ilk have done to it. They're still allowed to work, sure. But he's brainwashed a solid chunk of the electorate into believing it's all fake and/or actively working against American interests. It'll take a couple generations before that that

Trump Country isn't full of wastelands destroyed by globalism. It's full of towns and small cities where the need for skilled workers is increasingly outpacing the supply of qualified individuals. Medical professionals are retiring, air traffic controllers and pilots are retiring, welders and mechanics are retiring,

My returns to social evening are a lot more exciting than this.

I'd rather that HBO finish goddamn Carnivale first, or get around to that Deadwood movie.

I loved the first season, but lost interest a couple episodes into the second. It was getting way too explain-y without ever actually explaining anything. A lot of runtime wasted on incoherent pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo. Maybe it picks up later in the season, but now that they aren't continuing the series, I see no

he should testify under oats… like a big truckload of oats…

Why not? It worked for Seinfeld.

[effeminate Southern Yoda voice] You don't…like it?

gah! stop making music players with no volume control.