Trump Duck

See how many 90s music Disqus fans I can piss off with one comment criteria

If that's how you feel, then go ahead now..

Oh yea, forgot about them..

Johnson's personal catering area probably looks something like this:


Right? Can you believe the audacity of these two clowns, making all that money on shitty movies and bickering like children over who's dick is bigger?

NIN > Every other 90s band ever

The "secret meeting" was nothing more than the F&F producer measuring Diesel and Johnson's dicks to put an end to this important, life-depending debate about whose ego was more justified. When Diesel and Johnson couldn't come to an agreement over whose dick was in fact bigger, a sudden death pose-down occurred that,

Rock vs. Riddick: The Roid Wars

Boy, nothing screams Tinseltown like two 50 year old roided-up gorillas arguing on a movie set about who's better looking

lol Yea, they're not down with commerce at all, right?

lol pretty much, yea

Profits of Rage


Fair enough. Like I said, to each their own. I usually gauge whether or not I want to watch something based on its description, not what the person critiquing it thinks. A general objective description of what the film or show entails is more than enough for me to decide for myself whether it's something I'll be

By all means, live your life according to the opinions of others then. Makes no difference to me..


People actually have time to watch a 100 films a year?

Agreed. I wouldn't know anything about that though :D

Not what I'm saying at all here, but good job.