Trump Duck

You could just download it for free and see for yourself though..

I'm only speaking for myself here, mind you. It's not like I think poorly of people who rely on that sort of thing. I just think it's a dumb logic, to have one person's opinion influencing the opinions of so many others in a kind of herd mentality.

I agree with you there. But it's all subjective.

Exactly my point. You can go to school to criticize another's work that you yourself could never create yourself. How ludicrous is that?

Writing a review of what, their opinion on something? That makes them the authority expert on what people should and shouldn't see?

You mean like this guy in London?

Dude, I thought the *same* thing!

There is absolutely no use for a critic of any kind in the known world.

Another popularity contest just like the Grammy's and VMAs..

This album fucking SLAYS.

Pinkerton is so goddamn punk rock by today's standards..


My experience with the RDJ album is similar to this guy's: when I first discovered it in early-'97, it (and everything else James had done at that point) pretty much nullified anything else going on in electronic music at the time.

If BT cost about $20 in 1996, and you adjusted for inflation today, that means you need to go eat at the $4 buffet for like a week straight in order to pay back the copy of BT you cribbed..