Trumpbot 2000

Look, I'm not a police officer or a judge, so it's not for me to say whether or not Hannibal did what he's accused of doing. I can only speak from my own experience, which was always very positive.

Paula Deen is a lovely lady, very misunderstood and a real class act.

I've met the Burger King, he's had me to his place on Martha's Vinyard many times. When I was debating whether or not to run, he was one of my first calls. Smart guy, sells over a billion dollars in beef patties every year.

No, I don't still… wait! I mean, yes it was… hold on!

I've never heard of Dan Savage, but people tell me he gives pretty good advice so I wrote him a letter. He didn't have the guts to answer it publicly, so I'm reprinting it here.

"You're fired!"

Jon Stewart is a loser. He's totally overrated. His show never had the kind of ratings that The Apprentice got, his show never got the level of celebrity that I was able to get on the Apprentice, and as far as I know he never fired anyone.

This guy Whovian is a huge loser and everybody knows it. Did you know that Doctor Who started out as a kids show and even the BBC threw away the original tapes? I told this guy, find some kind of modern reference to use as your account name, but he wouldn't listen. He's apologized to me numerous times and admitted I

I've met Bill Cosby, he was a very respectful, nice man.

Bethesda is run by a bunch of losers. I told them, nobody cares about Las Vegas anymore, everybody loves Trump casinos. Make your video game Fallout: New Trump and it will be a Yuge success. They didn't listen and now they wish they had, because they would have made way more money. They've called me many times

That girl is a 7.3 out of ten at best. The Mynabirds are all losers, they call me all the time begging me to let them play at my Casinos. I told them, nobody knows what a mynabird is! You should all be bluejays or robins, something people know! Their management has already called me privately to apologize.

Kevin Costner is a loser. I told him "Nobody likes water, everybody likes Trump. Make your movie Trumpworld and it will be a big success!" He didn't listen to me, and now nobody knows who he is. He tries to call me once a week, and everybody in the film industry has already apologized to me privately.