
The only thing I was mocking was that you have no knowledge of how children behave.  What I find strange is that you apparently somehow managed never to step foot in a street when you were a child.  Did you grow up in an apartment?

I really don’t see what you’re getting at, no.

You think kids stay on sidewalks?  My neighborhood is mostly culdesacs, but in order to get from one to another they do have to walk down the street/in yards/around houses/through bushes/whatever circuitous route they feel like taking.  Were you never a kid, or did you grow up in an apartment?

Hey everyone, I found the guy with no kids.

“At least, that’s the most that can be gleamed from a recently posted description”

I feel like I should let you know, in case this isn’t a typo and you just don’t know the word, that the word you’re looking for here is “gleaned” rather than “gleamed.” 

You are a horrible person Jystad... for saying the things I was thinking so much more eloquently than I ever could. :)
Please do it again!

Queen Unicorn, I too am half black, half white. Ask the Klan, or the Alt-Right if people like me are anything but black... Wait, nevermind. They will agree with you. We aren’t black

Rachel Dolezal is out here being a hot offensive mess on the one hand, but propagating my mixed race army on the other, so I am not always sure how to think of her--so I just tend to not think of her altogether. 

Politics is a world of smoke and mirrors not too different from that of acting. The former uses appearances to attain power, the latter fame and fortune. In the end, both careers are means to attain all the above. The realpolitik of the matter is mixed people can travel between worlds and define themselves however

I was also nonplussed about the article you mentioned, and I remember reading that a ways back. I am sure that Peele’s experiences of being with a white woman directly factored into the premise and elements that made Get Out the success that it was. Had he not had those experiences, the story could have been vastly

You are decidedly unimaginative for unicorn royalty.

this is exactly correct. and even The Root has published a story on black men dating white women and chose to lambast Jordan Peele, who is HALF black. just like i am HALF black, and therefore cunts of either race choose to decide whatever race they think i fit in depending on their current agenda.

i’m repeatedly “not

Really hoping you are Cardi’s shoe that she walked out with, and not the one that was collected as evidence.

So, let me get my lightskint thoughts in order here. Barack is half black, and half white, yet is considered the first black president—and not one eyelash was batted. He chose to round up, as it were. As is his prerogative.

Republicans think they’re infallible (like Jesus). Republicans think they’re persecuted (like Jesus). Republicans think they’re doing divine work (like Jesus). It’s no wonder he believes he’s above everyone else.

I’ve known who Kavanaugh was for about 6 years now, when I saw him speak at a symposium. While I obviously don’t know him personally, from having seen him speak and read his opunions, which come across as pompous, arrogant and self-righteous, it is not surprising that he has developed a self-image of himself being

Don’t worry, he can still become a Supreme Court justice.

Rumor has it that Stephen Miller’s interviewing him for a speechwriting job at the White House.

yeah but they have black friends

The Patriots have a worse record than The Browns

Apparently you never learned about the Trail of Tears.