
This is why i love the phone app. I can makeb all the changes, get it grilled, and don't have to explain complex taco origami to the guy through a box.

The Jews tell us that the solution to global warming is to destroy Western economy and stop having white children. Then give billions of dollars to help the Chinese and Africans continue to breed as fast as possible without a single word about their growth or their pollution. Because we all know overpopulation only

Playing a lot of video games as an escape from clown world: a disorder.

People jerk off competitively. "I play a children's game on the national circuit..." makes them panties drop though.

I wonder why gays never threaten Muslims into baking their cakes? Coincidentally...

Same reason I won’t buy ice cream from two white-hating Jews who openly profess the absolute destruction of an entire country. To each his own.

The absolute state of """gaming journalism""". 

Amusing the first (((Journalists))) required to pay are from a gaming mag. I wonder what damages the lying kikes at CNN will be looking at?

Pro-pot liberals just don't like Elon, because their Jewish media masters said so. Golems obey.  

Goyim are always acceptable losses.

Disney is actually awful. I know quite a few former Disney employees, ranging from simple restaurant workers, former princesses, and a guy who worked in the imagineering workshop. None of them had good words for The Mouse. They are an evil empire that makes Walmart look like boy scouts. (Which are now just scouts,

“No refunds, goyim.” -Jewgle

I suppose they’re just waiting to find evidence of an actual crime. Keep trying, though. We’re quite proud of your Jewish media being able to tell the same lie for so long. It shows dedication!

And yet the first shots have all already been fired by libtards.

I’m hoping for it too. We need to build a wall first so you commies can go up against it.

Of course Jewish comedians openly calling for an assassination is not a threat at all. Coincidentally.

Libs do keep getting angry that gun owners aren’t “using the 2A as intended.” If you really want I’m ok killing some commies instead of just blocking every lying Jew on Twitter. Let’s do it.