Lindsey, do you really trust every red-head in a suit who tells you he’s Harry at 2am?
Lindsey, do you really trust every red-head in a suit who tells you he’s Harry at 2am?
I would have thought those bangs would have been a 100% effective form of birth control. Guess Bristol proved me wrong.
The real Florence’s husband (though apparently they never legally wed - fun with Wikipedia!) was seven years younger than her, so Hugh and Meryl’s age difference is fairly accurate. Plus, let’s face it, Hugh is one of those actors who look their age nowadays and Meryl looks a bit younger.
But he was 5 inches erect. While that may not be massive, it IS decidedly average. Which means he wasn’t even ‘below’ average. That’s what I don’t understand.
Would it be wrong to covertly put anti-death penalty bumper stickers on any car I see with these license plates? That’s part of choosing life right?
You can’t spell “Choose Life” without “f-o-o-l-i-s-h.”
I wish I could tag photos still so that I could click on her face and do a comparison to what she ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE. That has been photoshopped so hard it doesn’t even look like Aniston.
Dog has good instincts though. “Here’s a man that talks a lot about steaks but doesn’t actually have any” thinks Dog. Trust dogs!
School projects are so much fun! I've been smoking regularly for years to help with pain and anxiety. At first I was worried about it affecting my parenting, but it's actually been a great benefit. I mean, obviously not being in pain or crippled by anxiety helps immensely. Prescription pain meds helped the pain, but I…
You don’t need to drive to call 911...
There are also different stages in a kids life. I hated the infant stage. The toddler stage is trying and my patience is often spread thin. I think I’ll really like the tween/teen years because I loved talking to my dad at that age. But because I knew I wasn’t going to be that great at the first few years of my…
I will never understand how the defense of an inadequate punishment is so often “because it would ruin his career.”
He’s a known creep. I remember Vanity Fair mentioning him hanging out at a trendy nightclub trying to hit on the Hilton girls back during their 15 minutes. Their bodyguard made him go away.
oh man, god forbid a women you are romantically involved with doesn’t want to fucking be a background figure..she was in the public eye before him and motherfucker didn’t think she would want it to stay that way since it is basically her job?? sounds like he is describing himself through her.
Or she could have glossed over them and said only the white invaders were the ones with magic, which is also a shitty option. I agree, I think that this is the best way for her to do this. I would have been angrier if the story was “And then the white men brought magic to the new continent.”
It was going to be a no-win situation anyways with the native Americans and magical America. Don’t bring them up, and you’re erasing them. Draw upon native traditions, and you’re appropriating them. Make some shit up entirely, and you’re caricaturing them.
well, it’s not much sillier than “muggles” = “magic-less”
Okay but your right to be a grossly irresponsible asshole with that gun who should never be within 10 yards of a child let alone raising one does not trump my right to not be shot by your 4-year-old because you’re too stupid to keep your gun out of your kid’s hands.
I’m confused, is this child one of those “ good guys with a gun” I keep being told about?