I have thoughts on this:
1) There are people in the world today, Bieber for example, who are wearing those drop crotch pants today. The sequins are an upgrade, as they distract from the drop crotch.
I have thoughts on this:
1) There are people in the world today, Bieber for example, who are wearing those drop crotch pants today. The sequins are an upgrade, as they distract from the drop crotch.
Fucking hell. What a complete lack or respect for people’s LIVES.
I’m not quite sure I can even wrap my mind around how fucked up this is...
The thing is that by the time 1990 rolled around, left-wing radicals were no issue in Britain. I’m surprised they didn’t put that effort into battling neo-Nazi/skinheads but can’t expect racist cops like the Met (look into the investigation of the men who took Stephen Lawrence's life) to take shit like that seriously.…
*edit* glad they got money.
Another reason why women shouldn't date cops. As if domestic violence wasn't enough, now they're spooks.
There are just so many cascading failures in these cases... from the basic undemocratic premise of spying on vaguely dissident groups that aren’t terroristic, to ethical failures of police leadership in approving and continuing to approve these anti-social deep-cover missions, to the absolute moral bankruptcy of a…
That doesn’t justify emotional abuse, which is what this is.
There are cases where these cops fathered kids with these women. And even helped raise them for a couple of years and then just ghosted when their assignment was over.
It’s an horrific practice. Some of these men fathered children as well, and then, left to go back to their “real” family. Honestly, the whole thing is repulsive.
Of course she didn’t read it. She has to avoid anything that conflicts with her belief that he’s innocent or she’d have to deal with it.
I believe this. She seems truly invested in her willful blindness about him (and she’s not the only one), so I don’t see her actively seeking out any additional information on any of the accusations other than just hearing and accepting his version of events from his own lips.
It’s been sometime since I’ve seen the Babs version, but I watch Judy’s version every year around Pride and Gaga is the only choice if this movie gets made. She got real vocal chops and her ability to transform would fit with the character’s arch perfectly.
Lower impact on your joints.
About 15 years ago my musical theatre teacher passed away suddenly. He had worked with John Goodman prior to the Roseanne days. This guy was not famous, but I guess they had stayed in touch over the years.
That was a really sweet story about John Goodman. I hope Kristin Wiig reads it, sends him a really nice gift and it will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship
I’ve read interviews with her where she talks about how socially awkward she is, to the point of diagnosis! Girlfriend has some crazy social anxiety. So, I would like to think it’s that, instead of bitchiness.
Goldie is everything.
Technically it’s the remake