
I got that skin in my free loot box so no salt here, just snow. :)

According to her she used acrylic (clear) to create that effect though I’m sure the editors retouched the image to make it completely disappear.

Exactly. Not to condone what media has become in showing too much, but I tend to watch the first teaser or short trailer. After that I will purposefully avoid further trailers as they tend to be longer and show much of the content, spoiling any surprises in the case of movies and some games.

Yes the “whiny gamer syndrome” we are being painted with is making me feel so old.

I never got into Dota 2 because of how it was but may try it again with this patch.

Even with the update and discount, I’d still steer clear from it for now. Check back next year when they hopefully fleshed out the game with more fun game mechanics and probably even better discount.

Even with the update and discount, I’d still steer clear from it for now. Check back next year when they hopefully

That statement they put out sounds an awful lot like an Early Access post.

I’ll try to be hopeful but in general most of the live-action adaptations sucks so please prove me wrong movie!

As a result of a number of Nintendo 3DS users using unauthorized versions of several games, and connecting to the official game servers in violation of our terms of service, these users’ Nintendo 3DS systems that stored the unauthorized game code have been banned from Nintendo’s online network effective immediately.

Thanks for the info Mike. It’s a free update so while it’s something I wouldn’t run to play, it’s all a bonus in my opinion.

The really sad thing is, I have that in my PS4 but have not actually played it. Sorry.

Lots of work for some digital drawers, but interested panties, there you go.

In my opinion it is anime.

Red Dead Infinite Redemption.

Same here! Double thanks!

Same here! Double thanks!

Well Nova already has a Widowmaker skin and technically Reaper can be a skin for Valla as their moveset are about the same.

As I was reading this I was thinking I needed Sokka’s “Water Tribe” out gif.

As someone who is adamantly against Early Access but loved D: OS, I must resist buying it to play this weekend...

But whose fault is that? Does it matter? And how could the backlash have been avoided?

You say predicted.