
His livestream for help was pretty funny.

Wow who peed in your cupcake this morning.

Ah of course, my mistake. :)

That picture caption should read “That’s what I get for being a dumbass.”

This misdirection is exactly what those block-clad shuriken throwing ninjas want you to think!

Classic Ninja.

Good luck on your new job Richard and thank you for all your contributions. Yours was definitely posts I read all the time and they will be missed.

This game is one of my all time favourites! Everything from the tiny fighters to the capital ships and the story!

Justice rains from above!

There’s nothing wrong with trying to make a film dark or serious. The problem I saw was they did it as live action. Every time I see this movie in motion, it just looks so odd with the humans and the CG orcs and scenery. The human actors look like embarrassed cosplayers.

The moral of the story?

Why did the post image in the main Kotaku page go down in size Brian?

This has always been a tough issue.

As someone who is is Asian, I always love it when others (especially non-Asians) do their duty of being outraged for me.

Even in the VR world we are not safe from the selfie stick... :(

I’m currently playing Enter the Gungeon and literally having a blast!

While I do generally agree with you, I have to point out that overall for both the Vive and the Rift launches people have overblown the whole situation.

A mistake? Or is she merely one of the many who goes to the Church of Spin To Win?

Looks great!

Though the pilot should just fly around that area with the extra dimension. :P

That’s one way to try to make money from your games. :)