While you have a point, remember that people were diddling themselves to illustrations way back through the ages before we had photographs.
While you have a point, remember that people were diddling themselves to illustrations way back through the ages before we had photographs.
Finn goes to a base.
I have two Sharpshooters with Killzone and watch the fun. :)
Yup, I was looking forward to this then I loaded it up and nope. Same old timed/in-app purchase trash in an Avengers reskin.
Vin Diesel as Pikachu.
And you know he would happily do it too!
Do not, I repeat do not shine UV light on this statue! :P
Playing in the EU region here and mainly Dominion as it’s fast games.
While that is certainly a possibility, it could of course be that Konami just do not give a damn.
Why is it only for Tiny Kittens? What about the regular sized kittens!
That’s the cutest dealer ever. :)
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My only take from this pretty boring trailer?
The Tri-gun dub was pretty good in my opinion. It lent well with the goofy nature of his character. Vash!
Not to be morbid but at this point I just want proof of life!
I agree. Plus after that movie where he plays brother and sister, the only way is up.
This was definitely the surprise anime for me last year. The setup was familiar enough but the way everything was put together from the animation, characters, and ending all ties up into one great adventure.
I was excited then Adam Sandler.
It was a shame, but it wasn't a fun game. I got bored almost instantly despite my liking the Prime series for it's art style and enjoyable tv series.
The first 94 actually got their wristbands by 9pm Tuesday night, most went home and came back in the morning to collect their £20 swag and bragged about how much they will make on eBay.
This made me laugh so much.