
Calling Breitbart a "conservative blog" is like calling Trump "a little eccentric"

Rule Number 1 in Spy School is DON'T HAVE A FAMILY
The bad guys can use them against you.
Hold them for ransom.
Or kill them
Or torture them
See - 24 season 1 or 2 or 3 when Jack Bauer's wife and kid are kidnapped

You got it.
Seems the AV crew had much more interesting shit to analyze like WWE Royal Rumble 2017 and WWE NXT TakeOver

Agree 100% with Clayne Crawford's performance.
He went from a sleazy, P.O.S. you wanted to see wind up dead to a (somewhat) sympathetic and good person in the course of the 4 seasons. Damn good acting.

Ending scene of last episode:
Long pan view of park.
Camera zooms away to reveal little child looking at the scene in a cardboard box.
Mom tells child to stop playing with her new toy and get homework done.
CGI image of Rod Serling steps into the frame.

One second Maeve is standing there looking fine, then I blinked and she's lying in a pool of blood, apparently "dead".
What did I miss during that blink?

Are you the same idiot that gave Goliath a C- ??
and WWE Smackdown gets a B+ ??
Get people over 30 or ,God forbid, 40 years old to review TV shows other than shit for kids.

I'm still waiting for Chloe O'Brian to show up with her laptop and earbud and hack her way into Nassar's inner network. Then she and Bauer, I mean Kirkland, can break out their serious weaponry and save the world.

Special Agent Dale Cooper