do the truffle shuffle

So much shade, and tbh I kinda love it. She’s always seemed like a very unapologetic, self-focused person who does not bother to hide it. Unlike other equally egotistic actors who have teams of people to try to hide it for them.

My main disappointment in the Clinton ‘trial’ was that he didn’t tell them all to shove it and get back to work.

You put that question into “fair game” territory, then every candidate, male or female, can be slut-shamed in the exact same way. And who do you think will get the worse end of that stick? If you cheer when they do it to candidates you don’t like, it gets very tricky objecting to it when it’s a candidate you do like.

It should be, but in the States it’s an impeachable offence, apparently, so he has to be careful.

Yeah, that’d be great if Ted Cruz wasn’t interested in slut-shaming women who use birth control or get abortions, and wasn’t interested in outlawing gay marriage. So, yeah, he has to answer that question.

“On the evening of April 4, Fox News’s Megyn Kelly asked Cruz at a Madison, Wisconsin town hall whether ‘he has ever committed adultery.’”

Oh it absolutely would. I’d expect most Jezebel readers to be unimpressed by a clause that places such a ridiculous restriction on single parents, no matter who they are.

Maybe they don’t think they did anything to apologize for.

That “clarification” is bullshit. The roles were not written for non-white actors. They were written for actors with a particular skill-set. The producers recently changed their minds, and decided they were written for non-white actors. The Broadway Rumor Mill, where I get all the best news, currently has a story that

hijab-wearing Muslim women are very well exerting agency in their dress.

Since when does a private company offering a voluntary option based on customer request have anything to do with legally mandated segregation?

There are female only trains running in Tokyo, in India and Egypt. I have no idea why everyone suddenly hyperventilates over this just because it’s Germany. As a German woman, I find the idea that Americans think I would be forced into these trains at gunpoint instead of them being presented to me as an option that I

Being jewish I find your conflation of those two, very different circumstances, offensive.

Putting this “oh noes Germans are doing it again” spin on modern stories is kinda hilarious for us outside the US since the US is currently maybe going to elect a right wing meglomaniac with weird hair as President. RIght now. :)

More the opposite - they were hoping it was white women so they would know it was a bad thing.

You seriously think it would only be for white women? This need for people to specify that ‘women’ includes women of color is just bizarre.

Your comment that a train car that is offered optionally for women reminds you of the holocaust is quite offensive.

My aunt told me that it was simultaneously depressing and liberating when she hit her mid fifties and realized that she was basically completely invisible now. She could steal from the Louvre because no one even really looks at an average middle aged white lady.

Even Donald Trump’s daughter is involved in the family business. Reevaluate yourself when Donald Trump has better views of women than you.

Only sons can carry on his family business? Is it operated by using one’s penis to type?