Defenders of trigger warnings often say that they are there so students can prepare themselves, not so students can get out of assignments. But that op-ed seems to state otherwise.
Defenders of trigger warnings often say that they are there so students can prepare themselves, not so students can get out of assignments. But that op-ed seems to state otherwise.
I’m a bad feminist because . . . fuck any bitch that would suck that man’s dick for a job at Fox News.
Well, you are totally wrong about the powerless college student, though at the top of the food chain, at Ivy League schools, they might not wield the same power they do as lesser schools, competing for tuition dollars and governed by the customer service philosophy that has given students expansive rec centers and…
Wtf? I can see have the passing question, “how did that get that stuff,?” but you’re on it like a young Geraldo Rivera. Get a grip. It’s not that important.
I mean, it’s this. The only solution to abololishing the question, “are you a woman,” is the ablolish women’s divisions and to make all athletes compete in the same divisions, regardless of gender. Then you don’t have to ask the question. Of course, that would be ridiculous. It would effectively end women’s…
Mathmatically speaking, no deal may be a worse than a bad deal, but imagining only these two options is really presenting people with a false dilemma. The first world could control the terms of the global economy much better than they have, and perhaps they haven’t done so is due to the fact that, unlike China, most…
Agreed. It wasn’t too long ago that Taylor could do no wrong, and really, and except for the persistent gripes about how she conducts her love life—which, why would anyone on Jez crititicize that—she always seems to say the right thing and do the right thing.
I think you have hit it on the head. Her earlier work was funny. She was a very funny comedian. The fact that she has gotten deeply into politics and identity doesn’t make her unfunny, because there are funny comedians who use that material, BUT it has certainly coincided with a striking decline in her act. Maybe it…
To me, it’s a little meta, which is to say, the outrage over an all-female Ghostbusters was completely off my radar until I became aware of the outrage over the outrage over an all-female Ghostbusters. And even now, I stumble upon articles like this one, rubuttals to the outrage, fairly frequently, and I have yet to…
The “just leave her alone” bit is insane. The rest is just thorough rebuttal.
Wow, if you’re upset that successful people date younger people, then you might be in for a lifetime of outrage. From Chaplin to Madonna, it’s ubiquitous. I think it has something to do with young people often being very attractive. As long as they are both adults and one isn’t employed by the other, it’s all good, as…
“Some women think”? Exactly how many? What are her sources for that? Because, while I am sure that some women might think that, like—for instance—her, I’m not sure that it is a newsworthy mass of voices making this accusation. Instead, I think this is a case of masking one’s own take as coming from others..
This is a common position, the identity-concerned position, but I find its stance on the powers of empathy and the imagination depressing, and I suspect it is more about territoriality than about the impossibility of an artist being able to successfully imagine one way it might be for someone who isn’t exactly like…
Girls have it worse. That said, every boy-centered magazine or comic book I read as a kid had that classic Charles Atlas ad in it, where the skinny kid gets the sand kicked in his face who then had to go work out. The title, freighted with meaning, was “The Incident that Made a Man Out of Mac.” It sort of reminds me…
It’s just a different thing. It’s incontestable that Allen is a creep with a Chaplin-esque fascination with young, but post-pubescent, women. That he’s not alone in this, the examples seem endless, offers little excuse, especially when you consider his grossly inappropriate seduction of Soon Yi. But the case that he…
It appears to be working for all involved, unless there is some evidence I haven’t seen that contradicts that.
Pretty sure that’s his adopted daughter, not Soon-Yi.
From all accounts, Woody and Mia had a predictably unconventional relationship. They didn’t live together. Their assistents arranged their dates.
Good lesson then on not burying your lede.
I think Obama has been a good president, but more than anything, it is his speeches that will be preserved by history. They guy is so on point when he talks. He is able to clear the muddy waters and tell people in understandable terms what is exactly going on.