
I agree with you: basic human rights ranks above these other issues. Since I don’t know you, can you tell my what human rights are you referring to?

No, I think Trump’s voters get this. When that much talked about report came out increased mortality rates for working-class white men, the tone in which it was discussed on left-leaning sights was only short of gleeful. Trump’s voters get that the attitude of the most vocal Hillary supporters is, “get over it.”

Whose privacy is being protected? I would imagine that it’s Chelsie’s. Cannot she just waive that and allow the college to make the school records of this inquiry public? I mean, I guess it’s the privacy of the guy? Surely at a school the size of Kenyon, those that don’t know who he is soon will. Maybe then we’ll get

I think everyone projects their middle-class, marital mores on them, and are imagining drama, when the reality is, we have no idea how their marriage operates. We know that they are hugely successful artists who have left conventional lives and conventional expectations far behind them.

Wow. Amazing piece. I detect a little Denis Johnson, especially in the line: “What can I say about the neighborhoods where these homes were found? There were shattered street lamps, tennis shoes dangling on telephone wires, CRIPS FOR LIFE sprayed on the drywall.” That’s a compliment. This is as good as Johnson’s

The Jezebel message boards have gotten swamped with the hurt feelings of Clinton supporters who have decided that this site is pro-Bernie. And I’ve slipped on the tears of Bernie supporters as they have railed about the Washington Post. It’s just all so unfair. and so sad, but at least we can complain bitterly about

Jesus :(

Not sure. As has been muched discussed, Bernie supporters are “super liberal” when it comes to economic policy, not race. I don’t think they’re bad on race, but they are not notably to the left of Clinton on diversity issues, maybe even a little to the right.

Exactly. What he said was factually true, everybody wanted this Act, and crime went down—for whatever reason—after its passing. And yet the Act had unintended consequences, which they have both disavowed and apologized for. The best I can get to what the problem is is that his “tone” wasn’t correct. C’mon.

Man, stop this world. I want to get off. :(

Hello Valiere Brianne, lol!

I agree totally with your view of the negative consequences of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.

Yes, you’re right about the name “super-predators.” I hadn’t thought of it quite like that.

I don’t hate her. But all the Stark kids were young, and all of them had so much more common sense than her. Even at 12, I think most of us would have picked up that Joffrey was bad, bad news. Ayra was younger, and she was able to tell who the bad people were.

I knew I would be coming off as willfully ignorant, and I’m sorry about that. Yes, someone mention that trumped up “wilding” incident.

Real question: was she talking about juveniles that had killed multiple people “super-predators”? Were these made up juveniles, like Reagan’s mythical “welfare queen” or were there such people? If there were, what is so offensive about calling them “super-predators”? I know I’m coming off as an oaf, but I’m not

Because it isn’t as relavant to Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act? I get your point, but there was a problem that that admittedly overreaching bill was meant to address, and after it’s enactment, crime rates went down. I’m not defending it, but I think you must talk about it in its full context.

You have me there. But her actions in the first book cause the death of her wolf and the death of her father. I mean, yes, she’s 12, but in many ways, her foolishness in the first book, her attachment to Joffrey, etc. begins the whole sh*tshow. I’m not saying she’s a bad, just naive and foolish. She’s shell shocked

What exactly did he say that was incorrect? Is it just his delivery?

He seems pretty candid here. I mean, what definition of candid are we using?