So, when visiting a friend we’ll sometimes order in from a local dominoes that has never once gotten my order right. I will order a philly steak sandwich w/o cheese, and while the failure to not put the cheese on is infuriating if understandable, once I somehow managed to receive a sandwich with cheese, and…
I've got a series of World Maps I took from various National Geographics. The only cost was the frames!
And that's another big adulthood decorating tip: FRAME YOUR POSTERS. They make everything look SO much classier and your landlord will appreciate you filling the wall with fewer tiny holes. Also less wear and tear on…
I probably ended that marriage.
They’ll relocate, but it’ll involve shrinking the business and focusing more heavily on the Internet. “We’ll find a place off the beaten path, maybe south of Canal Street. A smaller place,” 76-year-old founder Ming Yi Chen told Gothamist. In other words it’ll survive, but in a very different form, because the essence…
You made a listing of garbage airports and forgot Atlanta? Shame
The card game alone sold me back in the day
5 years later and I STILL feel bad about paying for some items. I don’t think I spent more than $10, but still. SHAME.
Yeah but at least he got a (brief) storyline of misbehavior too where he breaks into the neighbor's house to play Atari, but otherwise yeah he's just there for Paige to bounce dialogue off of.
And damn I'm blanking on his name too!
Yeah, they didn't want to just leave and be paid for it, they just wanted to go home and die in peace
"But Mummy it's MY turn to be king!"
This being the late 90s and me being a child that was SO MUCH MONEY
Elizabeth knows she cannot allow herself to die until Charles is safely in the ground
The most money I made was this one time in middle school I found a $20 I'd forgotten about in the pocket of a pair of my shorts
Homeworld is one of my favorite game soundtracks ever and to this day the version of Agnus Dei you guys made still blows me away. Just wanted to say thanks :)
"Hey remember that short film with video games destroying New York and how we all wished it were a full movie?"
Wing Bitch's destruction was so satisfying it restored my soul