Yeah the Jennifer Lawrence misdirect is some next-level shit
Yeah the Jennifer Lawrence misdirect is some next-level shit
I mostly agree, though with some tweaks the plots of GTA IV or V could be adapted to a pretty compelling series
1: Shit is Expensive
Going to a place called Jethro's in Des Moines sounds like a surefire way to get killed by a biker in a bar fight
The latest addition to the Official List of Things That Are The Worst
The complete lack of fucks given in the exploding pizza oven story is IMPRESSIVE
"I'm far from finished!" is by a wide margin the worst thing an accused rapist can possibly say
Dear New York,
At least your trains are not actively trying to kill you. We sadly cannot say the same, mostly because we're choking on the smoke from our trains constantly and inexplicably catching on fire.
Washington DC
It's moments like these I wish SimMars had amounted to more than a single trailer
I'm so glad I kept my copy of SC3K: Unlimited. As far as I'm concerned, that was the last perfect SimCity game.
Ok this is legitimately scaring me a little
I'm less surprised that it became a thing and more at HOW FAST it became a thing. When I first saw posts popping up about it on social media I thought there was an awards ceremony I hadn't heard about going on
I actually got the GOTY edition back in like 2001 or so, and it came with the soundtrack CD.
To this day, Agnus Dei is a mainstay on my iPod.
To this day, it controls my feels.
I see it more as a matter of providing options. For example, after getting GTA V for PS4, I noticed I had options to determine the way my character in Online walks. I think giving options like that, various animations, outfits, etc, for characters of either gender customize and create characters that fit to their…
Comic book characters don't usually stay dead. Supergirl dies. She gets better. Captain America dies. He bounces back. But same characters, even when they show up in new continuities, seem to exist to be killed. For a long time, that's been Gwen Stacy's plight.
Icicles like demonic fingers of icy evil
Samoas are The Word and The Way, and are a key ingredient of the recipe for immortality.
It is known.
Did you say something? I can't hear you over my PS4's built in screenshot button :3