As I understand it, Bob McDonnell's defense basically revolved around "it was all the fault of my crazy wife who is a spoiled child"
As I understand it, Bob McDonnell's defense basically revolved around "it was all the fault of my crazy wife who is a spoiled child"
I was subjected to According to Jim once while awaiting car repairs at a dealership. The one episode I saw was the single most formulaic piece of trash I have ever been forced to experience.
Wikipedia informs me it lasted for 8 seasons.
Kill me.
I oblige and tell her that it's two sliders of seared scallops on brioche buns with tomatoes, basil, onions and a chipotle mayo.
I tried it when they did that "get a free burrito in exchange for subjecting yourself to our soy bullhsit" and it wasn't TERRIBLE. The texture wasn't great but it didn't make me want to die. But it was worth it to functionally get a free upgrade to steak on my next burrito :D
Btw true/false I've heard most of the…
Christina Hendricks: God. DAMN.
Oh well, that's money and HDD space I can save for No Man's Sky
Then it was Deadliest NightSHADE
Buy it. Keep it secret. Keep it safe. That is a High Talisman of shade
It's the human equivalent of network decay
Get on the payroll? I thought you were already the Director of the Beygency
Kara may in fact be the Director of the Beygency
Your boyfriend is a champ but that kind of talk is going to get him killed.
The other problem is that shade is so subtle that, if/when you attempt to confront, suddenly YOU'RE the aggressive party. It is both an insult and a horcrux at the same time.
I live to serve.
It helps that I grew up in the south where, as everyone knows, "bless your heart!" usually translates to "fuck you, bitch"
I like to describe shade, when done well, as a single drop of poison in a jar of honey. It is the insult you THINK you've been given but can never be quite sure of.
You rated mushrooms over bell peppers? SACRILEGE!
My favorite combination of toppings is pepperoni, green peppers, and mushrooms. With LIGHT CHEESE. COME AT ME YOU FUCKS!
I reject dairy in all its forms (except ice cream which forgives all) and I thank you for this vindication
I may be late, but it must be said: There is no justice like Drag Queen Justice