
I remember going into college being told by teachers and printed materials that I should study 2 hours for every 1 hour of class and even then I was like "AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no"



I think CarlySparkles has the right of it. These are the kind of people with no shame and would yell and scream until every other customer possessing self awareness left in shame.

Can we seriously just fucking exile these people to Alaska?

Best I can do is that I'm 90% sure I passed by RJ Mitte (Walter Jr from Breaking Bad) in the street when I was heading to meet some friends for dinner in New York City one night

And there really isn't any ritual occasion for a fully grown woman to celebrate her life, other than her wedding.

Let us do unto him as the Decemberists taught us:

Dat use of possessive pronouns tho

That is how brilliant this shade was, we will never actually know

I'm surprised Risk didn't make the list. Not because it changed the mechanics or anything, but because against the computer you could actually hope for a game to end in under 12 hours

Because the console untermenschen don't deserve a new fallout AAAAHAHAHAHAHA!


ISIS apaprently did not realize Japan does not give a single fuck about hostages.

She inquires, "So, this couple wants to know if they can pay to eat their own food here. They said they have many food allergies and bring their own food out but are more than willing to pay for a plate so they can eat it here. Is this something we do here?"


Dividing my time between Dragon Age Inquisition and Bravely Default. It has become painfully clear I do not have enough free time.

Hey. Hey, now. DC isn't just corrupt politicians and industry lobbyists. Some of us just live here.

I know, when Scalia's head explodes it could take out half the District

Will this man's communist plots to make people's lives easier never cease?