
I thought so.

Same with mine. Perfectly delightful drunk on beer. Awful, cruel and threatening after whiskey-and no memory the next day. I spent years waiting for apologies for things he didn’t even remember happening. I recorded a whiskey evening and showed him the next day and only then did he understand.

I appreciate how well you articulated this.

I totally agree that events are to be enjoyed live, rather than through a screen, but man can you imagine how mortified you'd be to get called out like that? I'd be in tears.

I am likely part of many problems but I have no attraction to children and would never harm a child so nope, not gonna take the blame for pedophilia or child molestation. I am not a part of that problem.

I wish they'd all choose that option. No child deserves that.

Now I’m crying. I don’t understand how people do the things they do.

I created an account for the sole purpose of agreeing with you. I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time thinking about just how disappointed Clarissa would be in how things turned out.