
Hehe thanks :)

That's what I think too. I've since confirmed with another friend that she isn't in fact celiac but that her trainer says not eating gluten "is like super cleansing and stuff". Fuck off indeed.

I find I have a hard time judging what comments on Gawker are sarcasm, but I'll add that I clearly didn't tell her to fuck off in my reply haha. I wanted to though.

I saw the trendiness of Gluten Free coming down the turnpike but only winced when it hit close to home. We had a dinner party recently for some friends and one emailed back and said "FYI, I can't eat gluten"… Fair enough. I emailed back and said "Oh, I didn't know you were celiac. There will be lots for you to eat

Assuming this is going to go somewhat viral, somewhere there's an insurance agent who's going to terminate some policies quite soon.

I've never seen a pilot purposefully play chicken with the laws of physics quite like this before. I'm amazed at this. I want to meet this guy.

Yes I too would like to know more about this.

I didn't get the impression that this piece was sensationalizing the drag racing aspect at all. However, I will say that most times when you hear of a vehicle that has been wrapped around a pole, and exploded/burned so quickly and fiercely that the occupants have to be identified through dental records - the first

While I liked what the author said about "That's why, at a company party, you never have a roast where the CEO is roasting the janitor" (it is in fact a great illustration of how generally jokes only work "upwards") - in the context and comparison he used it, the implication is that white people making any form of

Very well crafted response. Thanks for posting that.

Perfect balance of form and function? Are you insane? How exactly is shaking a pen to reveal the writing point even remotely perfect? The click or twist (or really anything EXCEPT shaking it) are far superior designs. This is retarded. Proper retarded.

Wow. I'm not easily offended but a "shanty town" facade on a resort property is highly offensive.

Bruce Jenner is a handsome woman. Sort of reminds me of Janet Reno.

I agree. It's like they're taking the decades old "My First Sony" concept and unfortunately running with it.

When will people realize that the 5C is not, and was not meant to be a new phone.

But with the same guts as the 5S, yeah? Or do you mean still a stripped down version but with the coloured shell?

Does Apple do no direct market research whatsoever prior to releasing products? You'd think any sort of preliminary panel feedback would have indicated a disappointing rollout without having to actually do it. Is their need for secrecy really worth a shitty product launch?

Lybia? Really?

Western Canadian here. I was at an Oil and Gas event recently where Halliburton had a camo tent set up where they were giving everyone steamed lobster, crabs, and an open bar plus swag bag - and all the Halliburton people inside were dressed up like Al Qaeda terrorists. It was awesome.

That was at best a puzzling design theme to go with. What were they thinking?