
The design of everything for these games is a bizarre mishmash of styles and eras and imagery. I'm not liking it.

And ridiculously hot.

That is absolutely stunning. Incredible design.

I just really hope whichever way they go - they don't make their Apple store employees correct the customers like Starbucks does on their stupid made-up fake names for the drink sizes.

That doesn't negate that they didn't delete the data when they said they would.

Doesn't the headphone jack being on the bottom of the device seem weird? I guess it would seem more natural when sitting on a desk etc using the phones, but it just strikes me as strange for some reason.

I was hoping that something "Insanely Great!" would mean it was useful.

I completely agree with you. The headline is in horribly poor taste.

Not really... My work is all by referral only, so typically the clients I have are people who I really get along with well. Also, apart from 4-5 hours of meetings over the course of the project, I really never see them. It's easy to be genuinely nice in 5 meetings than fake it for 40 hours a week, year after year.

All these are reasons I went into business for myself. I couldn't handle the petty co-worker bullshit and passive aggressive office politics. I couldn't last 10 minutes in a corporate environment again without losing my mind. I completely lost my ability to nod and smile.

My 3.1 GHz i5 with 20 GB of ram sure loves it.

They absolutely are. No question.

3 machines downloaded and installed it within half an hour. They seem to be running great. I love dictation.

They probably mentioned Instagram photos work best to catch the eye of Facebook in hopes of a buyout.

I want to meet the wax cylinder cartel.

This is by far the correct answer.

It's the same reason you're not "allowed" to use your cell phone on an aircraft. It's to keep the gallery or museum quiet and serene to the visitors around you. Just like on a plane it's to keep the cabin from being filled with beeps, buzzes, clicks and "where you at?".

I was all excited for FaceTime when it was released. I think I've used it twice.

Watch "Global Dimming". This is exactly what it talks about. However, as we've been coincidentally been spewing visible pollution particles into the atmosphere causing this same phenomena - at the same time temperatures are increasing. Take away the visual pollutants - our planet scorches even worse. We're backed

Good God if I was driving that train in the Italian video - I would have literally pushed everything off the tracks. Talk about the ultimate road rage. YOU'RE BLOCKING A TRAIN. Who does that?