
Soft shell crabs..... You eat the whole thing.

That's one thing I miss about BlackBerry. Can easily make the device sleep and wake with an alarm event.

It's so culturally engrained what's acceptable and what isn't to eat.... I also am guilty to eschew bugs as a real protein option - and not just a freaky thing you try when drunk or in Beijing or both... but culturally, North America loves them some lobster.... which is a big sea bug. Who are we kidding? But for

I see nothing compelling enough about these photos to assume anything. It's a stretch at best to read any actual espionage into it. Really, a green light? Show me the avionics and we'll talk.

Cool idea. Wish they were unadorned though. Matte stainless or even shiny stainless would be cooler.

Very cool... Incidentally, I doubt anyone thought that screen resolution was going to "stall out" at 326ppi.

I'm glad too. Julia Louis Dreyfus needs to be on TV more. I love her delivery and since Seinfeld I think this is the best work she's done. Great writers for her finally.

Amazing that in 1955 this TV ad called commercials "annoying". I always assumed that in the 50's the entire family was mesmerized -huddled around the TV and would watch grass grow as long as it was televised.

I. Did. Not. Know. That.

Does every company who manufactures hardware using the Android platform use the same connectors?

Gorgeous work.

I hate that you can't touch anywhere on the screen to take a photo anymore. One handed photos are difficult if you choose where to focus - then have to maneuver your thumb down to the "shutter" button on the screen. It would be cool to tap once to focus - and double tap the same spot to take the shot.

To you - perhaps. To a kid in Nairobi who can't afford glasses and a box of these is brought by an NGO into his village - he'll definitely be okay with the border.

Me too. I was tripping over my own ankles to grab my credit card to buy one. But just Pantone phone cases? F*ck off.

THANK YOU. Horrible music editing, and I hate how they framed the last shot. Not a great job. I would have rather preferred to see the raw shots than the edited comp.

Nice one. I agree fully. Starship? wtf?

Not everyone who visits this site "works in the industry" - some of us are simply interested in technology in general. Also, please don't editorialize on what you think I should - and shouldn't - know.

This is so stupid. I can hear you stuttering from here in anger. Take it easy, bro.


Yeah I agree - it's not really that cool. Seems creepily more like the contents of an Al Qaeda thumb drive than an article on an ostensibly pseudo-respected tech blog.