
No, no, no. Just… Well, let's say I love how the story progresses from here.

Must. Control. Self.

He needed the confession.

Other than a little note to quell your anticipation, promise stuck to. Nothing in that mess requires a reply.

I have no idea what you're even talking about anymore.

Reckless or ignorant offense is important, too. But intent is everything in the real world, for real people, and always has been.

I actually don't disagree with what you're saying. Although I found the 'date' in Peace Walker much more disconcerting because it seemed to be a sort of endorsement of the relationship. On the other hand, it isn't real, and they're cartoon characters.

You're right. I am completely focused on intent. Because I'm responding to someone who's completely ignoring it.

I feel I gave a pretty good, er, philosophical rebuttal of your stance in another comment, but it was lengthy, so I don't expect a detailed response.

Frankly, I don't know which straw man to knock down first.

Thanks for giving me a fair reading.

This type of thing is insidious. It happens slowly; begins on the outliers of culture and creeps its way in. Here's an article on the sexual violence of Metal Gear Solid V (in a broadsheet):

It concerns me that you people aren't able to make arguments without resorting to ad hominems. Maybe that's why nobody listens to you. 'Misogynist!' 'Bigot!' Er, 'Asshat'.

Great post. I can genuinely only see these articles as utter demagoguery.

It's time for the age of the blogger to end. What was once a movement which freed us from cultural elitism, and gave the populist critiques a chance to be read has transmogrified into something all the more insidious.