
Well done sir.

Even in an fps game, where I am switching weapons, I prefer it. To be honest, I do remember that I didn't care for it in gaming. Once I got used to it though... No turning back. ;)

Well, the reviews are starting to come in at Rottentomatoes and they are ripping GL apart. 92 critic reviews and it is sitting at 20%. I generally don't give too much weight to what critics say but I have found rotten to generally be a good guide on if I will like a movie.

WHAT? I love the hyper wheel. I actually prefer it on most (not all) of the games I play and, at work, when I am dealing with huge spreadsheets or other items with a long scroll bar? It's like a hot chick. Oh hell yes I would.

Sophia Loren is still alive.

Even today I'd probably still agree that RIM has the market locked down in terms of data security. The actual devices? Not so much. Blackberry was hacked at the Pwn2Own 2011 event while Android and Windows Phone 7 were not (Blackberry Torch 9800, if I recall correctly).

Looks like Jason was right. Email isn't dead.

Lol. Yeah, I just had to make it clear - I'm worthless and horrible for walking away from the Giz in mid post!

When I replied only the first two folks folks had replied. I had started to type something and had to walk away for almost an hour. I'm caught up now and I understand. I AM EXTREMLY IMPRESSED and beg a thousand pardons. Happy now?

Yes, I realize this is for professionals and that it is a video camera and not a regular camera. Perhaps I should have said as much in my original comment.

Color me unimpressed? It's a $30,000+ camera and I would expect incredible, including a blowjob, from a camera that expensive. Revisit when this is in the price range of the majority.


I assume you were jesting but, if not, that's Cylops buddy.

I think Arnold should have this guy build some weapons for his next action flick. Commando 2 anyone?

Not sure I can agree with you here. Lugging a XBOX 360 or PS3 controller around is not my idea of portable gaming. The other main issue I have is cost. I would hope/assume the 3DS pricing will drop to $150-$199 at some point later this year (I have no idea about the NGP). An Android tablet, running 3.1, that is

This was priceless. Thank you for sharing Dodai.


Son of a gun, you're right. Never even knew that.

Pic of her on the link, if you're curious. ;)

I wouldn't mind it, if it was done well. If they are going to do something stupid like Galactus in Fantastic Four 2? I'll pass. I don't need another smoke blob.