I haven’t been following Sekiro as closely as others, so I didn’t know Activision was publishing it either.
I haven’t been following Sekiro as closely as others, so I didn’t know Activision was publishing it either.
Somewhere, there’s a group of super-peeved “real gamers” who are pissed that because of the dreaded SJWs, they won’t be able to play this gem and experience that super-responsive gameplay and immersive movie-like plot.
That’s about 22 months of “research” on the internet, followed by 2 weeks of coding and another 5 weeks writing that asinine mission statement on the developer’s web site. The final week was just the just the developer jumping up and down, screeching “SJWs! SJWs! I’ll show them! Aargh!” 16 hours a day for seven days.
Christ. FGC fans really get kicked around, don’t they?
He will cost what now?
Will there finally be a Gargoyles level, though? If so, 10 out of 10. If not, well it’s back to clearing out my backlog.
If there’s one thing that disappointed me, it’s the almost universal unwillingness to play with time travel and its consequences. With the exception of the finale, the time travel is just a way to get the characters to their next adventure, and that’s it.
Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute
A more realistic video would be two minutes of in-game marketplace menus.
I’m glad God of War won too, if only because the game has never and will never reach into my wallet while playing.
Five minutes into the future:
Man, I almost feel bad for Bethesda at this point. (Almost.)
You’re not wrong. I’ve liked their handling of games like Wolfenstein, Doom and Dishonored, where they’re publisher not developer, so I’ve always seen them as the least bad of the AAA parasites. But they still suck.
I love how this appears at the bottom of the story. Well-played, Luke. Well-played.
Bethesda had been generating a lot of good will with its stated commitment to single-player games. To see them screw this up so royally, in so many ways, is painful. Never trust the AAA game industry, folks. They’ll always find a way.
Counterpoint: All the AAA titles that don’t have loot boxes.
“It’s not a problem for me, so how could it possibly be a problem?”
Very cool! I found a convincing Yennefer and Triss duo at NYCC this year.
Has Yandy made a Sexy Witcher costume yet? Maybe we can send one to Mr. Cavill before shooting begins.
No doubt, but if your karaoke service doesn’t have Bohemian Rhapsody yet, maybe it’s time to re-think your release date.