
There’s nothing like karaoke with a crowd of people who sing along, dance with you and root for you no matter how terrible you are. If there’s one thing I miss about my pre-fatherhood days, it’s midnight karaoke in Brooklyn. I had karaoke at my wedding, for christ’s sake.

This idea isn’t bad.

Despite all this, I’m deeply uncomfortable about buying this game now. I’d like to see if Rockstar takes measures to fix this before opening my wallet. Other than that, what’s the right thing ethically, buy the game and ensure their bonuses, or send a message and try to change things in the future?

So, creative endeavors like putting black bars on the cut scenes require inhumane working conditions, and if you don’t like it, get another job? Cool.

If I had seen this story eight minutes ago, I’d have been the first to this joke! Tarnation!

I hope Twitter and Facebook are next.

“Did I say 100-hour weeks? I meant we treat all of our employees fairly and in no way violate labor laws and none of them like their families anyway.  Here are 50 affidavits from our employees that were in no way signed under threat of termination. Glad that’s cleared up.”

I think Kotaku and Polygon are better than most at addressing this stuff, even if they don’t come to the same conclusions I do. There’s still an instinct to let the developers speak, mostly in PR-jargon, defending their practices, but the forum is here, and Kotaku’s not ignoring the issue. Kotaku gave no quarter to

If AAA “dies,” so be it. No one’s going hungry in the Ubisoft boardroom because  people don’t want to pay more than $60.

I bet they won’t. It’ll be up to reporters and anonymous reddit posts to reveal what “work with members” actually means.


It’s crap like this that makes me glad the industry failed to kill the used game market. Not because buying this used would change anything about the game, mind you.

That’s awesome, man. What did you do with the diet? Any food changes you’d recommend to other people? I lost a bunch of weight right after I turned 30, with diet and exercise, but it’s always been a struggle, so I like knowing what’s successful.

“Combined with an improved diet” is a very relevant part of this story.

Never mind the logistics of that same teen storing the body, then transporting it on her own, days later, into town, moving it into an alley and propping it up on a window -- all undetected.

That’s some good headline right there.

That’s some good headline right there.

“Why, yes! That makes perfect sense, strange rich fellow with your hand in my pocket!”



I really hope the game still uses “Brave Sir Robin” as one of the bard’s songs.