
Thank you, Mario! But the Princess is locked, unless you pre-order the next castle at GameStop!

He’s got the best Platinums, the greatest Platinums. Nobody has as many Platinum trophies as him, believe me.

Once the process is complete, the user information, the associated save data, and the software purchased with the user account that is transferred will no longer be available on the source console.

Alas, half of those beautiful vistas are probably locked unless you pre-order. Also locked? My wallet on this one.

I very often come on here and defend Kotaku and games media in general, but this is right on the money.

I’d like to get worked up here, but, man, what a boring comment you just wrote. Back to sleep for me.

My friends and I celebrate “National Pie for Breakfast Day” every year, a completely not made up holiday that we totally did not make up.

When in doubt, meme it out!

Well, never getting that platinum, I guess. (Not that I ever could get a platinum. I’m pretty awful at Overwatch.)

What a time to be alive!

There’s also the financial calculus to consider. For me, the best time to play a new game is, very often, that one-week sweet spot when it drops to $30 or $20. It doesn’t hurt that, by then, a few of the major problems will have been patched out.

I maintain this would have been much better game if they didn’t grade the player’s questions and responses and use the jazz-note cues to signal when you screwed up an answer. It would have been great if they just let the narrative unfold without a points system.

Nah, screw that. These micro-transactions immediately turn this into a game I don’t want to play. And I will spend no money on a game I don’t want to play. I don’t care if that sends the right message or the wrong message. I’m holding onto my money, and playing other games instead.

Chubby rain!

That’s the level that put me into a rage too. It’s even harder to enjoy a level like that — which is essentially a 2d platform level — after coming off a playthrough of Shovel Knight.

I grew up a Yankees fan, and the prices at the new stadium were the final nail in that fandom. Don’t want the common man to come to your stadium, to buy your hot dogs, to drink your beer? Fine, screw you and your team.

I vividly remember the scene in the movie when we learned about Mr. Brown’s steal, speed and vitality stats.

My prediction:

I feel like a VR game named Polybius should be a bigger deal. Hopefully nobody dies of madness.

I thank heaven for flash drives. For the glory of mankind!