
Hi! You’re correct! In fact, I did all of that before posting my comment!

Well, this looks like some nonsense.

Beat me to it.

Maybe people really need topical pain relief cream...

Salt and Sanctuary — Vita

In what world is this going to be any good? I love Naughty Dog and I love the Uncharted series, but this is still going to be a movie based on a game loosely based on a genre of movie.

Dear Kotaku Forums,

Is this PC only? Any word on if it’s coming to consoles?

To be fair, there’s a certain goofy joy to hearing, “I’ve come up with a new recipe!” every 20 minutes.

Has anyone made a Reyn time joke yet? Because someone should make a Reyn time joke.

It’s a movie, based on a video game, based off several tropes already in movies! What could go wrong?

This is quite a good reply, thanks.

This whole thing feels like Meme Culture 2: The Memening.

Thanks! I wonder why the other replies couldn’t do what you just did, and I appreciate the explainer!

I mean this sincerely — convince me. I’ve got a lot of games, and one day, hopefully long decades from now, I’ll be dead. Why should this one merit my time?

This whole story is so odd and oblique. So the first game was a math game, with a bunch of hidden stuff in it?

Much respect for saying this.

Affecting as it was, does the short campaign length — five hours — justify a full-price purchase, and a jump to the front of the backlog? Or is it worth waiting a month for the inevitable $30 or $20 sale week?

Early reviews might have warned people about this before they plunked down $60 on a day-one purchase, you know. I wonder why Bethesda doesn’t want to send out early review code any more.
