
And no ethnicity ever speaks poorly of honky’s, white boys, crackers etc.... Never met a minority who wasn’t racist and prejudice! Seems hypocritical for them to be upset when other people act the same way as they do... People suck, the color is irrelevant, just an excuse!

She doesn’t... But you also don’t have to he a cunt... She is... Also untalented, not funny and only has a public identity because she is a female Asian

Go to Japan, China or any other Asian country and see how they treat white people... Bars, bath houses, restaurants and clubs whites cant go in... In other words shut the fuck up and stop whining

You’re a jack ass and a racist assuming all members of a race are the same... You are the kettle calling the pot black.... Please get a job, support your family and stop being a loser...when you concentrate on those things instead of these bs excuses (that’s what they are because so many people rise above far greater

You are a moron! If you don’t like the world wonderful white people (specifically males) made for you, the one that provides you with rights and freedoms please feel free to go to Africa, The Middle East or other parts of Asia and see how you make out without the world the evil white man created and led to