
In this scenario, it would be Trump who would start the nuclear war.

I think that would be far worse for everyone.

1. He would never say that his wife (or any woman) was “beloved”

This is my doomsday prediction. Sorry if y’all have read it from me before.

I had to read it twice too, she said that HE doesn’t think that he has done anything wrong, and her point was that he has and used tax payer money to cover it up.

When I saw his picture my mind read his name as “Fartanhold” which makes more sense.

He claims he doesn’t. But the TV is always on. I blame that channel that has Leave it to Beaver on a loop.

Or the conspiracy theorists that think this was some kind of orchestrated event because he threatened Jeff Sessions. It has been a hard pill to swallow to see friends and family I thought were “allies” be so fast to slut shame and obfuscate and even defend Franken’s behavior (“but she dry humped Robin Williams

Barf. No. Hard pass forever.

Barf. That’s a franchise I won’t be watching. Johnny Depp and his tired Keith-Ricahrds impression schtick can fuck right off.

Short answer: Money.

It’s hard to get out when your head is stuck in the sand.

He should just be unwelcome everywhere.

Whenever my dad, a retired engineer, starts in about transgendered people using public restrooms I point out that there is far more data indicating that the real threat to public safety is Republican congressmen using public restrooms. Further, they are the ones who are apparently so concerned with the genitals of all

My thoughts:

That’s a really ugly outfit that man is wearing.

Right? I know most clothing companies are really, really awful, BUT most of them don’t slant themselves towards a specific set of women the way the Anthropologie/Urban Outfitters/Free People set does.

This poor artist; however, please don’t refer to Anthropologie as a “collective of people.” They are a large, multinational, anti-choice corporation. And no, they do not give a shit about things like living wages or being decent human beings, which is why although I love their clothes and homestuffs, I don’t shop

while his charm is fathomable in the original

The guys who are most vocal about being feminists are usually amongst the worst. Example: Louis C.K.