I’m still waiting for that rebuttal.
I’m still waiting for that rebuttal.
Well, no it’s not. And do avoid thought terminating cliches.
I’m here to have a discussion, provide a critique and prick your bubble.
Because Doctor Who deserves more than a fanboi/fangurl circle-jerk over yet another series arc and showrunners who either dislike the Doctor as a character, in the same way Snyder seemed to really hate Superman, or are responsible for unmitigated shite like Cyberwoman.
What a startling retort.
I know plenty. More than you know about Doctor Who.
You’re very good at ignoring what’s in front of you
Except again, it’s not a strawman, as there are people who do in reality act like Comic Book Guy, case in point you.
Avoid begging the question.
Can you cite why you didn’t like it
Why don’t you watch some Tru Who and see for yourself? It would make a change from sealioning.
I have various reasons why I don’t like Nu Who, not least because it’s crap and it travesties an impressive legacy. If I’m insulting you, it’s because it’s fair comment, and justly earned.
I have an argument (scroll up for more exciting details!), but you don’t. Unless butthurt over having your sacred cow served up with a shake and fries counts as a position.
Because what both you and the hacks behind The Simpsons are doing is conflating all criticism into an easily dismissed and easily parodied strawman. It’s almost as if neither of you can defend this crap in any other way.
I do wonder what argument you’d be able to muster if you didn’t resort to the sort of fallacies which make Russian trollbots cringe.
I literally watched some of The Old Who considered absolute classics and can confidently call them watchable.
Sorry to break it to you but the original show was 90% unwatchable crap that was both boring and childish.
No, I’m just arguing with someone who can cite Waters of Mars as a credible example and yet somehow retain a straight face.
Your complete inability to debate speaks volumes. You’ll be describing me as a ‘Disruptive Person’ next.
So the sum total of your argument is appealing to a fictional strawman? Then again, you probably thought Cyber-Brig was worthy of an Emmy.